PM2.5 and Longevity: Linkages Between Particulate Matter (PM) Pollution and Immune System Aging
What is PM2.5 and What Are the Health Risks of PM2.5?
PM2.5 is the term we use for fine particulates in the air that are under 2.5 microns in size. This pollution is from emissions from combustion of gasoline, oil, diesel fuel, or wood. Other…

Longevity and Cold Exposure Therapy: Support Optimal Health and Build Resilience
Cold Exposure Therapy And Longevity
We live in a time with countless health tools available at our fingertips, and we all have our unique “wellness kits'' made up of various practices and resources that we use to support our health and longevity.…

Your Immune System Reboot: Diet & Lifestyle
When the coronavirus SARS-co-v2, a devastating communicable disease, descended upon the global population in December 2019, it became clear early on that there was a wide spectrum of illness, ranging from almost nothing to diarrhea, severe pneumonia,…