Navigating the Longevity Science Echo Chamber
Longevity Science in the Media: A Formula for Overwhelm
The media spin and hype around medical news are pervasive, confusing, and often contradictory, but add to it the rising popularity and social media presence of “Longevity Science”…

Fluid Foundations: Hydration and Healthy Aging
Why Is Hydration Important For Longevity?
Hydration is important at every age but it’s especially critical as we age. As we age, our ability to stay properly hydrated declines. Older individuals are more vulnerable to dehydration because…

Revisiting Zone 2 Training: Why Is Zone 2 Good For Longevity?
The Benefits of Zone 2 Training Over High-intensity Interval Training (HIIT)
One of our recent exercise blogs focused on cardiorespiratory fitness and the concept of VO2 max and introduced the practice of high-intensity interval training (HIIT).…

What Is Collagen And How Does It Support Longevity?
Collagen & Longevity
In the world of nutritional therapeutics, collagen has recently become a very popular supplement, garnering widespread attention for its potential to support health and vitality. In this comprehensive blog, we will…

Heart Rate Variability (HRV): A Pulse on Your Health
Understanding Heart Rate Variability: What is HRV?
While heart rate measures the number of heartbeats per minute, heart rate variability, or HRV, measures the fluctuation in time between each heartbeat (in milliseconds). The amount of time…

Resilience and Longevity: Focus on Building Resilience Over Managing Stress
Stress and Longevity: Creating More Resilience
Recent longevity research suggests that adults with psychological resilience age more slowly, live longer, and enjoy better health. In this blog we’re going to take a look at stress and how it…

Oxalate Toxicity: Easy Prevention For An Often Overlooked Condition
Common Symptoms And Oxalate Crystal Accumulation
The chemical structure of oxalic acid above, may not be familiar to you, but these symptoms might be: burning with urination without an actual bladder infection, muscle aches, borderline thyroid…

Longevity and Cold Exposure Therapy: Support Optimal Health and Build Resilience
Cold Exposure Therapy And Longevity
We live in a time with countless health tools available at our fingertips, and we all have our unique “wellness kits'' made up of various practices and resources that we use to support our health and longevity.…

In Pursuit of Longevity Lifestyle: How Our Habits Make All The Difference
What Influences Longevity? Healthy Habits
Whether or not we are aware of them, our daily habits have a profound impact on our health and longevity. The five main longevity tactics at our disposal - exercise, sleep, nutrition, medications/supplements,…

What Is VO2 Max? Why Is VO2 Max Important For Longevity?
How VO2 Max Supports Fitness For Longevity
Visit a primary care practitioner for an annual physical exam and you will have an assessment of basic health information like height, weight, and vital signs, including heart rate, blood pressure,…

Flexible Dieting: Building Lifelong Habits To Promote Optimal Wellness
The Epidemic Of Chronic Weight Gain And Rising Obesity
There are many reasons why we in the US and other western nations, and now also underdeveloped countries, have experienced a rising tide of obesity. We do eat more calories than in the…

Your Immune System Reboot: Diet & Lifestyle
When the coronavirus SARS-co-v2, a devastating communicable disease, descended upon the global population in December 2019, it became clear early on that there was a wide spectrum of illness, ranging from almost nothing to diarrhea, severe pneumonia,…