Sleep Apnea And Longevity: When Does Snoring Indicate a Health Problem?
How Does Sleep Apnea Affect Longevity?
This week we have a guest blog from a trusted and experienced colleague in the sleep field, David Rosen, MD. If you are following longevity medicine and our practice at all, you have seen and heard much…

Heart Rate Variability (HRV): A Pulse on Your Health
Understanding Heart Rate Variability: What is HRV?
While heart rate measures the number of heartbeats per minute, heart rate variability, or HRV, measures the fluctuation in time between each heartbeat (in milliseconds). The amount of time…

Sleep and Longevity: Learn The Key Elements of Healthy Sleep Hygiene
Sleep Hygiene Is The Foundational Factor for Longevity
Sleep occupies one-third of our life and has a profound impact on our physical and emotional health, and, as it turns out…longevity. Quality sleep (both deep and dream or “REM” sleep)…

The Glymphatic System: New Discoveries On Sleep And The Aging Of The Brain
Our Brain’s Newly Discovered Lymphatic System
Somehow, despite thousands of neurosurgeries and thousands of brain images, we missed it: there is a system of drainage vessels buried under the dura mater, the leather-like outer layer that surrounds…